Saturday, November 21, 2009

Avatar Shopping!

HERE is the post. It's below too.

"How many times had you felt unfair when you realized that the actual thing you’ve just purchased doesn’t look as good as it seems to be in the downsized icon? You flipped the catalog, the stunning images left your jaws dropped wide open and magically convinced you to spend your hard earned credit on that particular piece of avatar only to eventually be slapped by reality. You fumed upon how badly it fits your character. The designs don’t look as exquisite as the inaccurate icons suggest. If you are lucky, they will allow you to refund for a stingy percentage of the cost price. Otherwise, they deny your privileges to getting your money back and you are stuck with that old, uncharismatic avatar.
In The Travels Wiglington and Wenks, we give players a chance to put the avatar on before purchasing.

Players pick an avatar of their choice from the choices they are given. What happens is that the preview window will automatically update itself with the avatar players choose to try on.  Every tone of every color, every line to every pattern. And like walking into a shopping wardrobe with full length mirror. The transparency which offers players the knowledge of how these avatars wrap around their characters empowers the players to look their best at every occasion. What you see, is what you get.
That’s not all. Our shop system is tagged with a panel which describes the item and its uses. Keen collectors of specific avatars can also make full use of this to know more about the avatars instead of just how gorgeous they appear to be."


